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Is an early start a head start?

Have you ever wondered why most children start nursery between the ages of 2 and 3?

Furthermore, did you know that the human brain forms more than 1 million new neural connections each second in the first few years of life? To simplify, between the age of 2-and 3, kids are capable of speaking, learning, reasoning and socialising. It is a time when children learn critical social and emotional skills. These developments bridge a partnership between the child, their parents and the teacher, bolstering the groundwork for it to continue throughout the child's educational journey.

In the words of Maria Montessori, the educator best known for the philosophy of education - "Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society." Here's how a government-funded study found that children who began nursery before the age of three perform better in primary school than others who started their educational journeys a bit later. 

We, at NWS, foster an environment to nurture the students with personalised teaching. Ensuring that every child is given the necessary support and impetus right from the beginning. Cultivating exciting educational experiences to help children become caring, thoughtful, moral, and well-balanced human beings.

Deploying the right pedagogies for our young learners to build on their strengths and excel. IEYC, Jolly Phonics, Guided Reading Program and Numicon are a few progressive pedagogies we follow in the Early Years.

Numerous factors contribute towards ensuring the holistic development of a child. However, an early start remains the most prominent one because everything they observe during those years makes an impression, and that's why an early start is a head start!

Want to know how NWS could give your child the best head start in life? Reach out by email with any questions or make an enquiry through our website.

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Michael Mesa
Michael Mesa
Oct 08, 2021

Hello mate nicee post

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